Single shared room with bathroom +toilet (3 star) AUS$3900 per person, including tutoring and all materials.
Single shared room with bathroom +toilet (4 star) AUS$4400 per person, including tutoring and all materials.
One person in whole room with bathroom +toilet (3 star) including tutoring and materials AU$4500.
One person in whole room with en suite (4 star) including tutoring and materials AU$5000.
Couple in whole room 3 star (one participating in workshop and one not), AU $5800.
Couple in whole room 4 star (one participating in workshop and one not), AU $6300.
Couple in whole room 3 star (both participating) AU$6500.
Couple in whole room 4 star (both participating) AU$6900.
Single shared room with bathroom +toilet (3 star) AUS$3900 per person, including tutoring and all materials.
Single shared room with bathroom +toilet (4 star) AUS$4400 per person, including tutoring and all materials.
One person in whole room with bathroom +toilet (3 star) including tutoring and materials AU$4500.
One person in whole room with en suite (4 star) including tutoring and materials AU$5000.
Couple in whole room 3 star (one participating in workshop and one not), AU $5800.
Couple in whole room 4 star (one participating in workshop and one not), AU $6300.
Couple in whole room 3 star (both participating) AU$6500.
Couple in whole room 4 star (both participating) AU$6900.